Federico Cernuschi, Ph.D.
| Calle 28 y 18Punta del Este, Uruguay. (598) 91 440 977 | |
I am an independent consultant specializing in the geology and geochemistry of magmatic and hydrothermal processes, with a focus on porphyry deposits. Other deposit types include skarn, epithermal, orogenic gold, ortomagmatic nickel, and anorogenic intrusions. In my work, I integrate classic hand-lens observations and Anaconda-style mapping with trace element geochemistry, spectroscopy, petrography, and Qemscan phase mapping. I provide continued support to First Quantum Minerals and services to companies like Rio Tinto, Fortescue, and several juniors. In these roles, I have worked on exploration projects of varied geology and age across more than 20 countries and have provided training to multiple global exploration teams.
2009 – present – Eclectic Rock ǀ Economic Geology and Geochemistry (independent consultant): Some of my clients include First Quantum Minerals, Rio Tinto, Fortescue, South32, Rex, CSA, Qatar Mining Sudan, Orosur, Andes Resources, Nevsun, Lumina Gold and Sol Gold.
2009 – 2015 – Oregon State University, USA ǀ Research Assistant ǀ Porphyry geology and geochemistry.
2007 – 2009 – Orosur Inc. ǀ Project geologist ǀ Exploration of mesothermal gold in Precambrian basement and REE in alkaline intrusions.
2004 – 2006 – UdelaR, Uruguay ǀ Research assistant ǀ Precambrian geology and limestone mining.
Field mapping of ore deposits at Yerington, Nevada, USA with Dick Tosdal and John Dilles
2012 and 2013: 7 days/each, OSU-MDRU.
Anaconda-style mapping, core-logging, and porphyry geology:
2018: Orquideas, Ecuador (3 days, FQM-Lumina Gold), Panteria-Ronaldo, Peru (5 days, FQM).
2017: Haquira, Peru (3 days, FQM)
2016 – 2017: Jebel Ohier, Sudan (2 weeks, CSA Global, Qatar Mining Sudan)
Geology, Geochemistry, and spectroscopy of porphyry copper deposits (ioGAS, Leapfrog, and TSG):
2023: SGA conference, Zurich. (2 days, with István, Martón)
2022: FQM (5 days, Lima, Perú)
2020: Remote workshops (10 half days: Kazakhstan – Rio Tinto, Kazakhstan – Fortescue, Argentina -Fortescue).
2019: Rio Tinto (4 days, Reading, UK). Fortescue (4 days, Orange, Australia). SEG2019 (1 day)
2018: Nevsun-Rakita (4 days, Serbia), Lumina Gold (4 days, Ecuador), Fortescue (4 days, Ecuador).
2017: FQM (4 days, Peru), CURE-Uruguay (3 days, University).
2016: CoreScan TM (1 day: Chile Explore, Chile and1 day: Grupo Mexico, Mexico).
2013: UMG (5 days, Uruguay).
2012: FQM (3 days, Peru).
Oregon State University, USA ǀ 2015
Ph.D., Geology (fully sponsored by FQM INC.)
“The Geology and Geochemistry of the Haquira East Porphyry Copper Deposit of Southern Peru: Insights on the Timing, Temperature and Lifespan of the Magmatic-hydrothermal Alteration and Mineralization” advised by John H. Dilles.
Oregon State University, USA ǀ 2011
MS, Geology (fully sponsored by Orosur Mining Inc.)
“Geology of the Lascano-East intrusive complex: magmatic evolution and mineralization potential of the Laguna Merin Basin, Uruguay”advised by John H. Dilles.
University of the Republic, Uruguay ǀ 2006
BS, Geology
Cernuschi, F., Dilles, J. H., Osorio, J., Proffett, J. M., and Kouzmanov, K., 2023, A Reevaluation of the Timing and Temperature of Copper and Molybdenum Precipitation in Porphyry Deposits. Economic Geology 2023; 118 (5): 931–902. doi:
Cernuschi, F., Dilles, J.H., Grocke, S. Valley, J., Kitajima, K. and Tepley, F. 2018. Rapid formation of porphyry copper deposits evidenced by diffusion of oxygen and titanium in quartz. Geology, 46(7), 611-614.
Cernuschi, F., Dilles, J.H., Kent, A., Schroer, G., Raab, A., Conti, B. and Muzio, R. 2015. Geology, geochemistry and geochronology of the Cretaceous Lascano East intrusive complex and magmatic evolution of the Laguna Merin basin, Uruguay. Gondwana Research, 28, 2, 837-857.
Cernuschi, F., Gigola, S., Brownscombe, W., Ireland, T., Banyard, J., Arri- basplata, D., Schorr, J., Gonnet, P., Sosa, P., and Duran, M., 2023, Hydrothermal alteration chemistry and mineralogy of the Maricunga-style Vendaval Central Cu-Au porphyry [ext. abs.]: Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA), Biennial Meeting, Zurich, August 28-September 1, 2023, Proceedings, 4 p.
Cernuschi, F., Rivera, R., Dilles, J.H., Benavides, S., Kouzmanov, K., 2019. Mineralogical variation in early halo alteration selvages of porphyry copper deposits from North and South America. SEG 2019 Conference, Santiago, Chile.
Cernuschi, F., Dilles, J.H., Einaudi, M.T., Halley, S., Gans, P. & Kouzmanov, K. 2016. Hydrothermal Paragenesis and Mineralization of the Haquira East Porphyry Copper Deposit, Peru. Gordon Research Conference, Switzerland.
Dilles, J., Halley, S., Tosdal, D. and Cernuschi, F. 2014. The Geochemical and mineralogic footprint of hydrothermal alteration at Butte, Montana. Abstract. GSA meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
Cernuschi, F., Ford, M., Boschmann, D., Dilles, J.H. and Conrey, R., 2013. Test of a user defined calibration in a portable XRF for lithogeochemistry applications. 12th SGA biennial meeting, Uppsala, Sweden.
Porphyry Mo-deposits of Colorado (FQM, 2023), Greisens of SW-USA (FQM, 2019), Ore deposits of Montana and Idaho, USA (OSU-SEG-2014), Ore deposits of northern Namibia (OSU-SEG-2013), Precambrian of Uruguay (2018).
References: John Dilles (, Scott Halley (, Tim Ireland (, , Mike Christie (, Markku Lappalainen (, Ryan Bartlett (
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